Health Information Release Authorization (HIPAA Law) throughout California & Glendale, CA
What Is A Authorization For Release Of Protected Health Information?
An Authorization For Release of Protected Health Information is a document that gives your doctors and other health care providers your permission to release your medical records. Why is this document needed at all? The Health Insurance Portability and Accountably Act of 1996 (HIPAA) enacted on August 21, 1996 requires health care professionals and organizations to protect and confidentially handle your health care information. Health care providers are unable to release your health care information without your consent and release. What does this mean for you? Well, this means that your health care providers cannot give your health care information to anyone unless you have given them permission with a Authorization For Release of Protected Health Information (also called HIPAA release).
California Authorization For Release Of Protected Health Information
Why Is This Document So Important?
Without a Authorization For Release of Protected Health Information, your agent or trustee will not be able to obtain your health care information.
Without first knowing the details of your medical condition, your agent under your Power of Attorney for Health Care cannot make an informed decision about your health care. Having a Power of Attorney for Health Care in place is useless if your agent cannot get access to your medical records or be given information about your medical condition by your doctors.
The document also serves a purpose for your Living Trust by allowing your Trustee to obtain the medical information needed to administer your Living Trust while you are incapacitated. It also provides help to the conservator of your estate and the conservator of your person.
The authorization becomes effective when signed. It remains in force during your incapacity and expires six years after your death unless you revoke it earlier.
For more information on obtaining a Authorization For Release Of Protected Health Information, contact us at 818-649-9110 or click here.
111 E. Broadway, Suite 210
Glendale CA 91205

Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law